Thursday, June 16, 2011

Beep goes the Smoke Alarm

Monday morning. I've got the day off and Drew has a late start. Here we are just relaxing, having some nice breakfast when the smoke alarm decides it wants to start beeping every 20 seconds.

My brother was working downstairs so after I dropped Drew off at the train station i told him the smoke alarm is going nuts and you need to fix it before tonight. He told me it must be the back up battery. I told him I was heading out to Woy Woy and asked him to find out what battery it takes. So he slides off the lid and to his surprise there was no back up battery (in that section) in the alarm.

His next solution is "Wow, it's dusty. I'll bring the blower up later and clean it out, hopefully that helps. Otherwise I will buy a new one." I left the house as I had stuff to do.

I go back to my Mum's house after going to Woy Woy because I was feeling really sleepy and wanted a nap, which I couldn't do at my place (my brothers renovation dream) as the smoke alarm was driving me nuts. He comes down to my Mum's and says "The smoke alarm has stopped". Yes! I thought to myself.

After waiting for my Mum and Nephew to get home so I could see them for a bit I headed back home and as soon as I walked up the driveway I heard the horrible headache creating BEEP. I called him to let him know it was still going nuts and I asked him to just disconnect it. I had to wait an hour as he had to drive his painter home.

He comes back up finally and 4.30pm and has another look at it and realises there are 2 screws holding it in place. He removes them and magically there is a battery in it. I go to Coles and replace the battery and he put is in and screws everything back up and WOW the silence is amazing!

Greensplat xoxo

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