Monday, March 14, 2011

Ovens that go bump in the....

3 weeks ago (Sorry for the delay, been very lazy) I walk in my front door to the sight of my Oven out of the wall.

Before you ask, I don't have a crazy oven that likes to have races with my fridge or hang out with my washing machine althought that would be great. Instead I have a brother who likes to half complete everything he does.

As if this didn't frustrate me enough, I decide to call my brother to find out why the hell my oven is out of the wall. I call him, no answer. I then call my mum to see if she knows where my brother is and again, no answer.

Because of the oven and no one answering I started to then turn into a blabbering hulk. It would not have bothered me so much If I wasn't looking forward to cooking Lasange and relaxing at home.

So my brother finally decides to call me back only he pranks me as he does not want to waste his credit. I call him back and the first thing I say to him is "Why the hell is the oven out of the wall?" and all he can do is laugh and say "Oops, I must've forgot to put it back in". That and tell me to shut up, I'll fix it in a minute.

I go down to my mum's to use her oven to cook my lasange and 5 minutes later my brother pulls into my mum's drive way and straight to eating his dinner that my mum had cooked and dished up for him. He was meant to go straight to my house (or his house) and put the oven back in so I could "cook dinner". I told him I was still at home waiting to cook dinner so that he would at least hurry. All the while while I am waiting for my lasange to cook at my mum's all he can still do is laugh and tell people about it.

I cooked my lasange finally and put foil over it to take it home and I thought that is was all smooth sailing from there, until I get home and the cheeses decide they want to screw me over and stick to the foil!

Green Splat out

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