Monday, January 31, 2011

Annoyances on Public Transport

An Oldie of Bloggers, Ranters and Letters to the Editors but hell I'll give this a big crack.

  1. TALKING ON A PHONE AT FULL VOLUME FOR OVER 5 MINUTES ON THE TRAIN/BUS - Seriously, can it not wait until you arrive at your destination? No-one else on the train needs to here the life story of you, your friends or your god damn snakes on a plane. I understand there might be times when this is unavoidable but how about a "Yo i'm on a <insert mode of transport here> I'll call you when I get off" Really is everything that important in your life that you need is yesterday and cant just relax and take a break.
  2. USING YOUR PHONE AS AN MP3 PLAYER FOR THE WHOLE CARRIAGE/BUS - I don't like Ke$ha's tunes. I don't respect the artistical accreditation of U2. I don't think that Rihanna is "da Bomb". This is why I do not have them on my iPod. I'm pretty sure most of the people on my train would not like Toe to Toe, or find On Broken Wings relaxing. This is why I do have them on my iPod - So I cant listen to them and not annoy other people by utlising this amazing invention HEADPHONES. Seriously, buy some headphones. If you and your friends all want to listen to music at once, but a friggin splitter. Do no subject me to music you might love but might just make me wanna go nuts. I do not need to hear how I'm a firework, how I am the only girl in the world or some other crap. (this isn't a go at what music you are into as I like some pretty terrible music, it's just about showing some respect)
  3. B/O - Pretty simple. Male/Female/Non carbon based life form - use something that covers your stench and carry something with you so if you stink at a bad time, use some of the previously alluded to substance to freshen yourself up. Public transport may look like a sewage pipe but you do not have to make it smell like one.
  4. MANNERS GETTING ON AND OFF - you know what? The world is not going to be blown in to oblivion if you just wait you turn to get on. If people are ahead of you how about you just show some basic human initiative and let things move in an orderly fashion. For Christ sakes, I don't care how pointy your elbows are; just wait your turn.
Whilst writing this i have come to a conclusion that people must do these things because if they do not then the world will invariably implode in a catastrophic implosion of biblical proportions. This once again proves to me the theory that White Choc outlaid to me this morning People + Life = C#*ts

Well said W.C.....well said

1 comment:

  1. I seem to get all these people on my train... CONSTANTLY...
    Just today i had a lady eat apples from a bowl and elbow me in the head as she played with her hair - then slap my leg trying to shoo a fly...
    all with out an "im sorry"

    so i pushed her water bottle that she placed in the gap inbetween us onto the floor of the train...
