Thursday, January 20, 2011


Everyday we have those little things that annoy us. We have the person in front of us with 20 items in the 12 items or less queue! We have the parent out with friends at the same eating establishment as you letting their kids run wild just that little too much! We have the commuter who gets to the station after you yet still pushes in front of you to rush onto the train before you. We also have the TV stations that insist on playing 1,000,000 ads at 1,000,000,000,000 decibels louder that the show you are watching. What about the fact that any form of LEGGINGS ARE NOT PANTS!


Green Splat and I will be bringing you the best of our stupid rants!

Radioactive mutations always,

DxSx and GxSx

If you have a rant you wish to vent please send it to

Please note: names/business titles will be edited as this is for venting and fun only. If you really have a big complaint about something your more than welcome to vent but we are unable to do anything legal like with it!

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